Striking Back at Birchington

I’m sure everyone has heard of the amazing campaign led by Julie McDonnell to raise awareness and money for blood cancer sufferers.  As part of Julie’s challenge for 2017 to ring 152 QPs she returned to ‘the home of Julie McDonnell Doubles’, All Saints in Birchington, on 27th December to Read more…

Bernard Fagg

Bernard Fagg, long-time ringer and tower captain at Milton Regis, sadly passed away on Thursday 14th December. His funeral will take place at 11am on Friday 5th January at Milton Regis. There will be ringing beforehand from 10am for those that would like to ring for him, and also ringing Read more…

Ray Morgan

I am sorry to announce that Ray Morgan, a longstanding and loyal member of the Rochester Cathedral Company of Bell Ringers and a former Chairman of the Rochester District died peacefully on Monday 19th December after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in June this year. He will be missed Read more…

KCACR Census Update

Many thanks to everyone who has already returned their completed census documentation.  So far it looks like we have had just over half of the number returned that were sent out, so if you haven’t returned yours yet please do so as soon as possible so that we can work Read more…

Kent Young Ringers Quarter Peal

The Kent Young Ringers rang their 2nd quarter peal as a band on 25th November at Bredgar, ringing 1260 Doubles (5m).  Details of the quarter peal can be found on BellBoard ( and some footage from the quarter peal provided by Alex Runting is shown below.  Well done guys! Note: Read more…