Additions to the Resources page

The following have just been uploaded to the Resources page: 2019 AGM Adopted Minutes 2020 AGM Draft Minutes Adopted 2nd May 2020 General Committee Meeting minutes If you have any comments on the draft 2020 AGM minutes, please send them to the General Secretary.

KCACR Virtual Pub Quiz

Following on from the success of the last virtual quiz night, we are holding another one this coming Saturday 11th July at 7.30pm as part of our arrangements for AGM day. If you would like to take part, please follow the link below to register: As before, the virtual quiz will be run Read more…

Latest General Committee updates

Following the recent online General Committee meeting held on 2nd May, the following documents have now been uploaded to the Resources page: Salient Points from the General Committee meeting 02/05/2020 Draft Fundraising Guidance document Adopted General Committee meeting minutes 22/02/2020 Draft General Committee meeting minutes 02/05/2020