Handbook Information – Deadlines

Just a final reminder of the following deadlines: 5th February – All membership database updates and tower information updates need to have been submitted. 19th February – All District information for inclusion in the handbook needs to be with Doug Davis. 9th March – Final date for printed handbook orders via Read more…

Striking Back at Birchington

I’m sure everyone has heard of the amazing campaign led by Julie McDonnell to raise awareness and money for blood cancer sufferers.  As part of Julie’s challenge for 2017 to ring 152 QPs she returned to ‘the home of Julie McDonnell Doubles’, All Saints in Birchington, on 27th December to Read more…

KCACR Census Update

Many thanks to everyone who has already returned their completed census documentation.  So far it looks like we have had just over half of the number returned that were sent out, so if you haven’t returned yours yet please do so as soon as possible so that we can work Read more…

Jim Phillips

Jim Phillips, ringer in the Canterbury District and member of the ASCY, passed away yesterday morning. Jim’s election to the ASCY was ratified in May 1952 following a belfry election a number of weeks earlier, and during his time he served the society as Master & Librarian.  He was also Read more…

Video of the Week

Video of the Week is back, and there’s little to say about this week’s audible delight apart from the fact they sound gorgeous!  Shame the peal was lost due to a broken clapper.  Enjoy! Note: if the video isn’t showing above, you may need an updated version of Adobe Flash Read more…

KCACR Census 2017

In the next day or two, your tower correspondent should receive details about a census the General Committee are carrying out during the month of November 2017. The aim is to get a better understanding of the state of ringing across the County – when are towers ringing, how many Read more…