KCACR Census 2017

In the next day or two, your tower correspondent should receive details about a census the General Committee are carrying out during the month of November 2017. The aim is to get a better understanding of the state of ringing across the County – when are towers ringing, how many Read more…

2018 Handbook Information Requests

All District Secretaries will have received an email this afternoon with information to circulate to every tower contact detailing the process for providing updated handbook information for the 2018 Handbook, and the process for ordering printed copies for collection at the AGM next year (every member will receive an online Read more…

Video of the Week

Did you see the first episode of the new series of Doc Martin this week? If you did, you might have noticed the ringing chamber of the church tower being used as a bathroom by PC Penhale! If you were wondering which church was used for filming this scene, it Read more…

Video of the Week

A new ringing centre has been set up on Alderney in the Channel Islands, courtesy of Peter Bevis.  Here’s the first test ringing on the new light ring of 8 bells.  Enjoy! Note: if the video isn’t showing above, you may need an updated version of Adobe Flash Player which Read more…

Proposals for the 2018 AGM

The following proposals are to be shared as widely as possible among members of the Association, and should be discussed at Annual District Meetings in October 2017.  Feedback should be given via District Representatives to the Association General Committee meeting on 25th November 2017. For a single document to print Read more…